Scan a coin with AI
Get coin value estimates
Learn its history, year, grade, and more
How rare is your coin?
Use NumiSnap and your phone to find out. Simply take a picture of your coin and let NumiSnap’s AI tech inspect its worth. Magic? Just wait until you see all the numismatic details NumiSnap can reveal about your coin.
Identify a valuable coin in 3 easy steps
Snap its picture
Put your coin in the circle. Let NumiSnap reveal your coin’s date, mintage, and more basic info.
Check its worth
See the average value of your coin. You can even adjust the coin year and condition for more accurate estimations.
Put it aside
Forget velvet boxes. You can organize rare coins in a separate collection right in NumiSnap.
Discover all coin details with NumiSnap
Need specific info? Like, reference numbers in numismatic catalogs to research your coin later?
Be the coin expert
Or get one in your pocket and never visit a currency collector’s office again. NumiSnap does their job with AI — all from the comfort of your home.
Answer any coin-related questions
Is it composed from nickel or .925 silver? Is it still circulating? Does it use the milled technique? NumiSnap can answer these questions and more.